The face-off between Biden and Trump in the election will be the first time that two presidential candidates have competed twice in a row in the history of the United States for almost 70 years.
Joe Biden needed the support of 1,968 delegates to become the Democratic candidate in the US presidential election to be held on November 5 this year. He confirmed it on Tuesday (March 12) night.
As a result, the face-off between Biden and Trump in the election will be the event of two consecutive contests between two presidential candidates in the nearly 70-year history of the United States.
Confirming the nomination of the Democratic Party in the presidential election, Joe Biden said that voters should choose a candidate for the future of the country.
The current president of the United States received the support of the necessary number of delegates to secure the nomination of the Democratic Party local time on Tuesday. Through this, he is almost certain to face former President Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, Biden single-handedly took former President Trump in a statement after receiving the news of confirmation of the nomination. He said Trump’s discontent and vindictive election campaign threatened the fundamental idea of America. Voters should choose candidates for the future of the country.
Addressing voters, the US president also said, are we going to stand up for the protection of our democracy or let others destroy it? Will we protect our freedoms by restoring the right to choose, or will we let extremists take them away? Through this, he is almost certain to face former President Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, Biden single-handedly took former President Trump in a statement after receiving the news of confirmation of the nomination. He said Trump’s discontent and vindictive election campaign threatened the fundamental idea of America. Voters should choose candidates for the future of the country.
Addressing voters, the US president also said, are we going to stand up for the protection of our democracy or let others destroy it? Will we protect our freedoms by restoring the right to choose or let extremists take it away?