There are many kinds of germs floating around us from which we are likely to get various diseases. But the risk of contracting the disease is not only on Earth, but also beyond Earth.
Astronauts are trained for years to deal with different situations in space. However, there is a high possibility that they will have various physical problems when they go to space.
There is cosmic radiation, which has a severe effect on the body, and on top of that, microgravity, which constantly interferes with body fluids and blood pressure. In addition, floating in the wind and prolonged separation from friends, family and society weakens the mind. Mental health is severely damaged.
According to Space Health Research, a long stay in space can affect almost every system in the body, from the body’s cardiovascular and metabolic systems to the immune system. One of the biggest problems with being in space is a weakened immune system.
According to a study, astronauts are exposed to viral infections in many cases in space. Most of the time it is seen that they carry those viruses from the earth in their body. In many cases astronauts develop various skin infections.
In space, the body’s immune system is so weakened that it doesn’t take long for those viruses to reactivate. But the good thing is, within five weeks of returning to Earth, the immune system is back to normal.