Pakistan’s Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has come under criticism for fixing the headscarf of a female police officer. Maryam visited the security office of Punjab province.
There was a female police officer working on the computer. And he stood by and watched it. When suddenly the veil fell from the police officer’s head, Maryam picked it up and fixed it.
Maryam’s PR team shared a video of the incident on social media platforms Instagram and Twitter. The caption called it a ‘moment of empathy and understanding’.
The video quickly went viral online. The video has received mixed reactions. Some are supporting Maryam. Others say that Maryam interfered in the police officer’s personal affairs and made him uncomfortable.
The Instagram account shared the video and asked if the work was done right. 33 percent of the respondents said that the work is fine. And others say, Maryam has assumed the role of moral police. The work was not done. They also alleged that Maryam was giving more importance to the dress-hope of the person than the actual discussion.