Immediately after Yulia opened her mouth, US President Biden and former President Barack Obama also wanted justice for Navalny’s murder.
The marriage follows a long-term affair with wife Yulia, the recently deceased opposition leader in Russia, Alexei Navalny. Navalny has always been anti-fascism. According to him, Putin is a dictator. Russia can never be good for him.
He always spoke against Putin. Participated in processions.
But his wife, Navalny, preferred to stay hidden. After Navalny’s death, he first spoke out and said Navalny was poisoned by Putin. He wants justice for it. Immediately after he opened his mouth, US President Biden and former President Barack Obama also wanted justice for Navalny’s murder.
After that, Putin’s opponents all over the world are waiting for what Yulia does or says.
She was already called the opposition ‘first lady’ in Russia.
In a 9-minute video last Monday (February 19), Yulia said, ‘It’s been 3 days since Vladimir Putin killed my husband Alexei Navalny. By killing him, Putin killed half of me, half of my heart and half of my soul was killed by Putin. But still I am half alive. Half of my heart tells me, I have no right to back down. I will continue Navalny’s work. I will continue my fight for the country. ‘
Earlier, last Sunday, Yulia posted two posts on social media X (Twitter) and Instagram about Navalny. The two posts share the same language and a picture. Those words are ‘I love you’. Yulia added a picture of herself to the post. In the picture, they are seen enjoying an exhibition. Each other’s heads are touching. Yulia also said, ‘I want to see a free Russia. I want to establish a free Russia. ‘
His and Yulia’s romance and family life also served as inspiration for Navalny’s supporters. Navalny also said he could not have continued the fight against the Kremlin alone without Yulia. Couldn’t have been so harsh in criticizing Moscow.
Yulia’s family name was Yulia Ambrosimova. Born in 1976 in Moscow. His father was the respected scientist Boris Ambrosimov. Yulia graduated in economics. Accordingly, he started working in the bank. But after the birth of two children, he left the job. Navalny also began to gain popularity as an opposition leader in Russia at the time.
Navalny and Yulia met in Turkey in 1998. Two years later they got married. But then there was no sign of Navalny’s future popularity.
Yulia told the Russian weekly Sobesednik in 2020, “I didn’t marry a famous lawyer or opposition leader. I married a young man named Alexey. ‘
Yulia entered Navalny’s political activities at the beginning of this century. Both were members of the liberal Yabloko party at the time. However, until the poisoning of Navalny’s body, he remained hidden. Now he declared to work for a free Russia.