Another city in Ukraine has been captured by Russian forces. Earlier, Ukrainian troops completely withdrew from the eastern town of Avdivka after fierce clashes.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the capture of the city an “important victory”.
For more than four consecutive months, the Russian forces were fighting with the Ukrainian forces to capture the city. Eventually the city passed to Russia. On Saturday, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Colonel General Oleksandr Sirsky, said that Ukrainian troops had been evacuated from Avdivka.
However, the Russian Defense Ministry said some Ukrainian troops are still fighting in a coke factory in the city. They will be arrested soon.
Russia last captured a Ukrainian city in May last year. At that time, Russian troops captured the important city of Bakhmut after months of conflict.
The fall of Avdivka to Russia comes at a time when less than seven days will mark two years of the country’s operation in Ukraine.