A new study says that the smell of women’s tears can reduce men’s aggression. Researchers say that the smell of women’s tears reduces men’s aggression by at least 44 percent.
According to the information of the Deutsche Welle, in a research paper in PLOS Biology, a well-known scientific journal of American biology, the part of the male brain that makes him aggressive; The smell of women’s tears weakens that part. The study also offers an explanation for why people cry, suggesting that crying is likely a biological coping mechanism.
The main goal of this study was to examine the ability of crying to calm a situation. That’s why the researchers collected tears from 6 women. The men with the 6 women were allowed to play a video game, which further stimulated their aggressive behavior. The men played the video game while under an MRI scanner. The researchers measured their brain activity with this scanner.
It was found that the aggressive behavior of the men participating in the study was reduced by 43.7 percent when they smelled the crying of the women. Brain imaging tests have shown that the part of the brain associated with men’s aggression also decreases their activity levels when they smell the cry. Also, when men smell the tears of an emotional woman, their testosterone levels decrease. As a result, interest in sex also decreases.